Friday, September 25, 2009

G20 Summit Pittsburgh

I always wanted to photograph the G summits and the protests that come with them. When I heard that the gatherings outside the summit in Pittsburgh were getting a bit dicey I decided to flight out on a short notice to the Summit last night so I could spend the day today photographing the 8,000+ protesters and 1,000+ riot police throughout the streets. It was peaceful overall except for a moment when the riot police aimed their guns at the crowd with me right between the two. Take a look at the shot and image the feeling of having riot police only a few feet away from you aiming their high powered guns at you. Hair raising. I spent most of my day focusing on the authorities and their excess of strength, photographing their interactions with the crowds and Pittsburgh residents. I'm putting up a few quick shots and movie up tonight and will add more in the coming day or so. The video shows the best chant I heard all day "You're sexy! You're cute! Take off riot suit!"

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