Monday, November 30, 2009

Recent scenes of Boston

Gigi, a 37 year old Western Lowland Gorilla seems tired of the attention at the Franklin Park Zoo.

Marc Mazzarelli, of Cambridge, puts the final brush strokes on a canvas he had been working on for days, depicting the Boston Public Garden suspension bridge.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Governor Photo Op

I did a quick photo opportunity with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick this morning at the Greater Boston Food Bank where he volunteered some of his time. Usually you come back from an assignment like this with just one halfway decent shot of a politician shaking hands or pretending to help out but this one worked out a bit better, i came back with a few good shots of Mr. Patrick really helping out.

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Monday, November 16, 2009


I finally made my way to Detroit after having the desire to photograph there for well over a year now. I went with Glen & Nathan and a few students from New England School of Photography to photograph the "Devils Night" arsons that occur on and around Halloween. We spent the days driving throughout the city entering and photographing the endless abandoned ruins of Detroit's past. Our nights were spent outside fire stations in the cities arson hot spots (I swear no pun intended.) waiting for the fire trucks to go out on call. There weren't that many fires but it was rather intense following the fire trucks through the city late at night, at times driving well over the speed limits running red lights.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ballet Mirrors

It's not easy photographing in a mirror filled ballet studio without finding yourself in the images. I spent part of today photographing rehearsals for the various Nutcracker ballets that will be going on throughout Boston in the coming holiday season. I wanted to take advantage of the mirror for the images but found it hard to get a good shot from a angle which would not include myself. God bless the crop tool.
I also had a photo on recently take a look at the link

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